When you get the electricity bills every month, you may be surprised by the amount. Instead of paying high energy bills every month, you should look for ways to save energy in your home. Many people don’t realize how easy it can be to make homes run on less energy.
You can see a significant reduction in electricity costs through simple changes that you can make by yourself as well. When you make your home more energy efficient, it saves money and reduces pollution.
Here are some effective energy-saving tips to help you save money.
Adjust Heating and Cooling Systems
Almost half of the energy usage goes into heating and cooling systems. So, you need to start adjusting these systems. One way to do it is to install ceiling fans to cool the room on some days when the air conditioner can be avoided. Replace filters on your air conditioning system and get it repaired on time to save money on bills.
Consider installing a programmable thermostat that allows heating and cooling appliances to be automatically turned down when no one is at home.
Replace Incandescent Lights
Besides the heating and cooling systems, another major portion of the energy goes into house lighting. Traditional incandescent light converts only 10 percent of the energy into light and the rest becomes heat.
You can replace incandescent lights with LED lights. LEDs last longer and reduce the energy used by lighting by 50 percent.
Insulate Your Home
A budget-friendly and effective way to make your home energy efficient is to insulate it. A tightly sealed home will help keep the hot air inside during winter. It also helps improve air quality while reducing utility bills.
You can insulate the electrical outlets and pipes to avoid leakage. Air leaks most likely occur in the attic, so you need to perform any maintenance and repair work. Plug the large holes in the attic and seal up the attic access panel with weatherstripping.
Make Your Bathroom Energy Efficient
Make sure to conserve water usage at home, especially in the bathrooms. You can make the following adjustments to save energy:
- Install energy-efficient shower heads that have different flow rates so water usage can be decreased.
- Replace an old toilet with a modern one to save water usage.
- Check the toilet for any leaks, especially the faucets, and pipes.
- Avoid using the toilet as a waste bin as it takes up more water to flush down any small bits of trash.
- Get boiler servicing done by a professional so that the water heating system works efficiently.
Use Home Appliances Responsibly
Since we have started living in modern homes, the use of home appliances has greatly increased. Make sure to avoid the usage of some appliances or unplug them when not in use.
Avoid placing your refrigerator near the stove or heat vents. The exposed heat will force the refrigerator to use more energy to remain cool. Invest in appliances that are specially made to use less energy. Another tip is to unplug chargers when they are not connected to electronics.