Obtaining a competitive edge in today’s challenging industry depends on the little things. There are several low-cost enhancements you can make to improve the curb appeal, whether you’re trying to bring in new clients or find top-quality tenants to lease your business space.
Apply A New Coat Of Paint
Nothing can revitalise an outdated structure like a fresh coat of paint. You’ll perceive a tiny adjustment as a significant improvement. Additionally, it demonstrates your dedication to maintaining the appearance of your property, drawing in both tenants and consumers. Invest in commercial building painting to bring out a new face of your property.
Collaborate With A Regional Artist
The arts are blooming in the world these days. Consider collaborating with a local up-and-coming artist to commission a mural to be painted on the exterior of your building or a sculpture to be lifted up in your building if your company is well-located for foot traffic and you possess empty spaces on a wall, for instance. These not only enliven and enchant the exterior of your property but also catch the eye of passersby who are driving and strolling. People passing by might even pause to take a selfie, providing you an additional chance to stay in the minds of newcomers to the neighbourhood.
Install Low-maintenance, Inexpensive Landscaping
We are aware not everybody has a nice garden, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use greenery to improve the appearance of your commercial property. Consider flower gardens that bloom at various times of the year if hiring a professional landscaping business is within your budget to make the most of your appeal during the warmer months.
Consider investing in low-maintenance evergreen trees, shrubs, or bushes if you’re seeking low-cost and low-maintenance solutions. Reduce the frequency of weeding by covering the area with a tarp and mulch.
Include Extras
Even something as basic as a seat or bike rack could indeed make your building stand out from competitors, feel more inviting, and be available to a broader range of people. Your property’s exterior doesn’t need to resemble a garden or recreation area. Give these areas some attention as to how to make them appealing to business tenants, personnel, and clients. Don’t just throw a picnic table down; think about how it will blend in with the surrounding landscape and whether it will receive enough cover throughout the day to be a pleasant area.
Refresh Your Signs
The first impression of your business is similar to the external signage. Whether your property caters to business-to-business or business-to-consumer markets, it makes a significant assertion about your company, your style, and how you conduct yourself in the marketplace. These are aspects that are crucial for business success.
Your shop front can appear drab and uninviting due to faded colours, damaged or low backlights, or an old design. Refresh the signage on your building so that it clearly communicates what your company does and is easy to read.